Tricia Guild Pattern Book

Been wishing for Tricia Guild‘s Pattern book since it came out last September but just could never find it at a book store here to page through since it’s not cheap. So I finally decided to order it online and it’s FANTASTIC! The black cover pattern is embossed velvet and offers the perfect touch. Hardbound, 210 pages are tgpatternbook.jpgdivided into 8 articles (with many more sub-articles): Living Pattern, Historic Pattern, The Silk Route, Botanical, Pictorial, Geometric, Indian Inspiration and The Inca Trail. You’ll have your own Colour & PatternFest right at your home, like a perfect dream. To make it extra special, quite a few printed vellum pages are included throughout the book. I’ve only read the first pages and they are brilliantly written and make it hard to put down. An intro from the book: Tricia Guild is known for her bold and original fabric and wallpapertgpatternbook1.jpg collections and her extraordinary ability to use colour – and pattern – in decoration. She is inspired by fabrics, techniques, motifs, and designs from all over the world and from every period of history – brocades and damasks from Asia, the rich history of botanical illustration and flower painting; checks, plaids, and stripes from northern Europe; vibrant ethnic prints from India and Central America; painterly designs from Chinese and European porcelain; and the abstract and geometric patterns of contemporary painters. Today, there has probably never been more popular interest in pattern. After what seems like decades of white walls, pattern on wallpaper and fabric is making a timely tgpatternbook4_.jpgcomeback in our interiors. As one of the world’s leading designers, Tricia Guild is in the vanguard of this exciting pattern revival. Her masterful mixing of large- und small-scale patterns in a varietay of contrasting colors, finishes, and textures is renowned throughout the world and can be seen in detail in the specially designs rooms that stunningly illustrate this book.


Wünsche mir schon seit Erscheinen letzten September das Buch “Pattern” von Tricia Guild, konnte es aber nie in einem Buchladen hier finden, da ich’s wegen des Preises gerne vorher erstmal durchblättern wollte. Hab’s dann aber vor kurzem doch online bestellt und es ist einfach PHANTASTISCH! (Gibt’s nur in Englisch.) Das schwarze Blumenmuster auf dem Cover ist geprägter Samt und bietet somit gleich den richtigen Einstieg. Gebundene Ausgabe, 210 Seiten sind in 8 Kapitel gegliedert sind (die wiederum viele Unterartikel haben): Lebendiges Muser, Historisches Muster, Die Seidenroute, Botanisch, Malerisch, Geometrisch, Indische Inspiration und Der Inka-Pfad. Mit dem Buch hast Du Dein eigenes Farb- und Musterfest zuhause, traumhaft schön. Um das Besondere noch zu unterstreichen gibt es etliche bedruckte Vellumseiten im Buch. Ich habe erst die erten Seiten gelesen, und die sind total interessant und genial geschrieben. und machen es schwer, es aus der Hand zu legen.


4 responses to “Tricia Guild Pattern Book

  1. Jacky Williams

    What a feast for the eyes !!! Love this book, will definately keep my eye open for it.

    Have you checked out the fabrics etc. of Kaffe Fassett. Very colourful and bold fabrics and books are quite inspirational.

    Also an Australian fabric designer Florence Broadhurst… some of her range is gorgeous, lots of flock etc. Have a google at those two.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful book with us.

  2. I have all of Trica and Kaffe fassetts books except this one, I’ve seen it in the book store, but I’m waiting for it to come out on special. Have you been to her store in London, it’s fabulous, like walking into one of her books.

  3. Sounds like a fab book mate. You will not believe it. I have ssen my first bollywood movie a few days ago and see what I got myself. It is on my blog. 😉

  4. Not being a quilter, I don’t have any other of their books. Need to check with my friend Magda though. Years ago I visited their store in London. I better save up going there next time. Jacky, I didn’t realize that my favorite fabrics (and I have quite a few of them) were from Kaffe Fassett. And I just put Florence’s book onto my wishlist. Added Kaffe’s Pattern Library as well. Thanks so much 🙂

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